Being a mom is an intense experience.

Being a mom is an intense experience. This picture conveys my emotions about it all. Pictures have always said more than I could say in words, but this is what I see and feel when I look at this picture of my beautiful friend Christina who is going to have her first baby:

– The ethereal feeling of being given a new life to bring into the world. Trusting the unknowns- and letting go- the feeling that hopefully as a mother you will know what to do, like all mothers before us. 

– Having faith that this is all going to be ok but there is a delicate balance. Moms always worry that things can go wrong, and the feeling of fierce protection is always there. It’s a happy time, but kind of a serious time! To allow yourself to be lifted in this way, during such a delicate time, is a very trusting act of letting go (for herself and the child).

– The photo is a little dark reflecting these intense feelings, but the light is shining on her face overcoming the worry. There’s a combination of holding on and letting go as she is lifted by the fabric.

– The sheer fabric lets us peek at the fact that she has a baby on the way, but it’s an intimate experience that is all her own and being inside the hammock is not for anyone else but her and the baby. There’s this very magical presence about her, expressing the gift and essence of this baby’s soul being illuminated inside of her.

– The kiss photo makes me feel so much warmer and fuzzier about the whole experience knowing that they are feeling and experiencing it together and that the baby is being born into a world of love. It brings the feeling of intimacy that comes through the photo into a more earthly human form.

– I feel the love of the parents for the baby while at the same time honoring the relationship that resulted in the baby’s existence and the time before baby’s arrival. It’s like they’ve created their own little cocoon in these images.

– I see the glorious beauty of a pregnant woman in love. While so many things can go awry in life, it’s so wonderful to witness when things go right! It’s truly something to celebrate when a new life arrives for people who can carry on in love.


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Christina Skinner of Eclectic Remedies is a facialist and massage therapist and one of the brightest, kindest souls that I know. I always feel so

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